Using Bulk Optimization in Managed WordPress Portal

Posted on by Libby White
Category: Managed WordPress | Tags: WordPress
Reading Time: 3 minutes

One of the biggest reasons for poor web page performance, are images being added to sites that are far larger than needed. Managed WordPress Portal partnered with TinyPNG to provide a solution for site slowness due to oversized photos. The Compress JPEG & PNG images plugin from TinyPNG is included in your hosting package, free of charge. This plugin allows you to be proactive and solve the technical burden of getting your site to load up quickly.

Let’s take a look at how you can access and use the Bulk Optimization feature.

  1. From your WP Admin Dashboard, click on the Plugins link. 
  2. Once the plugins page opens, scroll down until you see the Compress JPEG & PNG Images plugin. 
  3. To begin using the plugin, confirm that it is activated.
  4. Once the plugin is activated, click the Media link in the menu on the left-hand side of the page.
  5. Next, click the  Bulk Optimization link in the Media menu.
  6. The plugin analyzes the images you have uploaded to your site and provides you with statistics on the size of uncompressed images and number of images.
  7. To begin optimizing your images, click the Start Bulk Optimization button below the statistics.
  8. This will begin the compression and optimization of all the images in your media library. You will see the percentage of completion as the process works.
  9. As it processes, you will see the Total Savings section change. This is total size savings of compressed images.
  10. Once the optimization process is completed, a listing of the images and the amount of compression performed will display.
In this example, the plugin recorded 59.1% savings for page load speed by compressing the images. Just think of how fast your site will load having the images optimized for you!
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About the Author: Libby White

Former technical writer for Liquid Web. When Libby is not writing for work, she spends time learning more about digital & technical writing, web development, hanging with her family, and taking photographs with her Nikon. Always learning, always growing, never stopping.

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